Supply Chain Platform

Every healthcare organization requires to keep track of a procured goods and subsequent large amount of inventory, their on-time delivery to warehouses and finally handing over to their end-customers, including medical equipment & supplies, patient prescriptions as well as other wellness and healthcare products. All the leading healthcare organizations have their own supply management strategies in place, in order to manage their supply expenses, inventory, and other supply chain activities which are really affecting their performance.

By investing in an efficient supply chain process, healthcare organizations and hospitals cannot just improve their performance but can also avail cost-reducing opportunities.Through the implementation of effective supply chain processes, organizations are not only able to maintain a trustable stance with their employees but further allows them to cost-efficiently carry out their supply chain activities.

How Can We Help?

At Pak Healthcare Consultants, we have developed a Supply Chain Platform (SCP) that connects hospitals’ procurement departments with our warehouse that allows hospitals to see their stock in our warehouse and place orders directly based on depletion of their stocks level through identified par levels. Our provision of services not only encompass devising effective supply chain strategies for our medical & healthcare employees but further lessen their burden by entailing to cover up the worries of warehouse management.

What Do We Offer?

Devising Supply Chain Strategies

We enable our clients to engage in an effective supply chain process by consulting them to devise strategies that accord to their organizational strategies.

Identifying Re-Stock Levels

We allow our clients to avoid oversupply and over-stock by identifying the right par level to order for more inventory based on past and current consumer behavior.

Warehouse Management

We engage our clients to ensure effective supply chain management by taking over their warehouse process so as to reduce any chances of over or under supply of goods & products.

Developing Cost-effective Opportunities

We help healthcare clients in successfully managing their supply chain requirements by upgrading their strategies over time and thereby, engaging in cost-reducing opportunities.
